Lazy Reading for 2023/11/05

More wide-ranging this week.

Lazy Reading for 2022/10/29

All history this week for some reason.

Lazy Reading for 2023/10/22

Now this is mostly my backlog of RSS feed items.  Eventually I will catch up to everything…


Lazy Reading for 2023/10/15

This week I’m cleaning out links from saved emails and newsletters.

Lazy Reading for 2023/10/08

I made it through the third major ERP transition I’ve done professionally, and it was successful.  I hope I never have to do another.  Also, I have a lot of open tabs.

Lazy Reading for 2023/08/13

Comfortably all over the map this week.

Lazy Reading for 2023/08/06

The mini-theme this week is that some of these links go to lists of more links, so I’m sure there’s a rabbit hole in here for you somewhere.

Lazy Reading for 2023/07/30

This is one of the more eclectic groups of links I’ve published.

Lazy Reading for 2023/07/23

No theme this week.

Lazy Reading for 2023/07/16

Mini-theme: things that haven’t existed for decades, recreated.

Lazy Reading for 2023/07/09

History mini-theme.

Lazy Reading for 2023/07/02

A little short today but still good links.

Lazy Reading for 2023/06/25

Half a year til Christmas!

Lazy Reading for 2023/06/18


Lazy Reading for 2023/06/11

Still working through a lot of open tabs.

Your unrelated music of the week: Buck 65, an “uptempo rewind to the Golden Age of hip hop”.  (via)


Links for 2023/06/04

A short list this week.  I’m heading into the final month(s) of an ERP replacement projects at one of my jobs, so it ain’t going to get better for a while.


Links for 2023/05/28

Events and crazy things are the mini themes this week.

Your unrelated music of the week:  (via)

Links for 2023/05/21

Smushing BSD and Lazy Reading links together into one, again.  Tell me if that’s good or bad from where you’re standing.

Your unrelated music of the week: DRASS – see it, say it, slaughtered.  Another band name for Shardcore, which I have linked before.  AI generated visuals if you can’t tell.

Links for 2023/05/14

Nostalgia / game styling is the inadvertent theme of the week.