Finally a nice object system for Perl. (via)
Not sure what to do with it, but I like the idea of MARCHintosh.
Why we’ve gone from external video to internal and back again: original paper and summary. (via and via)
Unrelated: Flour Power is the book to get if you want to bake with sourdoughs and fermented grains. (I am finally making it through my backlog of books from the holidays.)
Nixers #183, with useful links on null/union filesystems (nullfs is very useful in DragonFly) and Owl Selectors in CSS.
STOP DOING THREADS. Don’t repeat a quirk from a previous social network.
Interesting to see Haiku package management, but also to spy a summary of the drama around the major changes. (via)
Neat name, neat mechanical computer.
A link here spawned a TUHS post which led to interesting notes on Wumpus and Moonlander, setuid exists because of mastermind, very early multiplayer games, and how Plan 9’s 9P is everywhere.