Monochrome terminal setup for an E-ink monitor. I love this idea. (via)
Adventure(6) the original and Colossal Cave the remake 50 years later.
I never knew until now why a Centronics port was a Centronics port.
breakdancing medieval marginalia. There’s more.
The Vintage Technology Digital Archive. barebones but contains gems.(via)
You too can play Space Travel, from 1969, created as part of inventing UNIX.
If you want to produce papers that look like classic UNIX troff-produced papers, here’s how.
Why standard error exists. Nobody uses it correctly, though.
Last Call BBS. It’s a game and a recreation of a time. (via)
Music Thing Modular. Interesting music hardware also open sourced. (via)
I did not know about this line of SPARC laptops or that they left the planet.