In Other BSDs for 2018/10/20

Well, I cleared my tab backlog, but not my RSS backlog…

In Other BSDs for 2018/10/13

Still playing catchup with links.


In Other BSDs for 2018/10/06

Still catching up on links.

In Other BSDs for 2018/09/29

EuroBSDCon 2018 unfortunately had no video, but the presentations are showing up online.

In Other BSDs for 2018/09/22

Still running on extra links from previous weeks.  Usually it takes a larger convention to cause this sort of backlog.

In Other BSDs for 2018/09/15

Built almost entirely with overflow from more than a week ago.

In Other BSDs for 2018/09/08

I am having trouble keeping up with BSD news items.  This is a good problem to have.

In Other BSDs for 2018/09/01

Lots of event notices in here… Watch for what’s near you.

In Other BSDs for 2018/08/25

Still haven’t cleared my backlog of links…


In Other BSDs for 2018/08/18

Overflow from two weeks running, cause of travel.

In Other BSDs for 2018/08/11

Overflow that I couldn’t catch up to before last weekend’s In Other BSD’s posting time.  I try to always have these by 9 AM Eastern time Saturday.  (Same for Lazy Reading on Sunday)  I mentally imagine everyone sitting down with a drink and nothing else to do but click links, those mornings.  At least, I hope that’s what it is.

In Other BSDs for 2018/08/04

I have more to post but just plain couldn’t get it all pasted!


In Other BSDs for 2018/07/28

A lot of this was early overflow posted ahead; I’ve been on the road.

In Other BSDs for 2018/07/21

A few of the links are not directly BSD-ish, but related.

In Other BSDs for 2018/07/14

Some overflow, and thank goodness cause I don’t have a day without work this week.

In Other BSDs for 2018/07/07

Lots of NetBSD links this week relative to usual.

Update: how did I miss this?  PkgSrcCon 2018 is happening now in Berlin, and there’s a livestream.  (via)

In Other BSDs for 2018/06/30

Some of this is overflow from last week.