By the time you read this, I will have already been at my second job for 5 hours.
- Integrating FreeBSD w/ FreeIPA/SSSD.
- UbuntuBSD, mentioned here, here, here, here. Best reaction here.
- RocketGraph FreeBSD commits on Github for 2015.
- Why OpenBSD? (via)
- KnoxBUG: A new BSD User Group in Knoxville area. (via)
- Install OPNSense on the Monowall Appliance box. (via)
- OPNSense 16.1.8 released.
- FreeBSD – a lesson in poor defaults. Some axegrinding going on. (via and via)
- MidnightBSD with Lucas Holt.
- DiscoverBSD for 2016/03/21.
- Using Firefox to watch Netflix on FreeBSD/PC-BSD. (via)
- Larry the BSD Guy’s BSD summary for the week.
- New routing table code (ART) enabled in [OpenBSD]-current.
- Can’t control screen brightness in Broadwell.
- fractal cells – FreeBSD-based All-In-One solution for software development startups. (via)