BUGs BUGs BUGs this week. I’ll make sure to note the events again when they get closer, too.
- Cataclysm – Dark Days Ahead. Turn-based apocalyptic survival, open source and probably runs on BSD. (via)
- NYCBUG is looking for speakers for I assume February and April; March was I think filled after this was written.
- SemiBUG’s next meeting is February 18th.
- ChiBUG’s next meeting is February 11th at the normal place; the March 10th meeting will be at the Oak Park Library.
- OpenBSD on DigitalOcean.
- An Excess of Operating Systems. Not directly BSD related, but the logo is there.
- rebound(8) removed. (OpenBSD)
- Valuable News – 2020/01/20.
- The prekern architecture. (via)
- BSD Weekly Issue 4. I missed the first 3. (via)
- Migrating FreshPorts from one db server to another.
- FreeBSD translations via Weblate.
- The History of BSD and IP Stacks with Rodney Grimes, a podcast.
- u2k20 Hackathon Report: Tracey Emery on GotWeb.
- u2k20 Hackathon Report: Alexandr Nedvedicky on PF anchors work.