Friday’s garbage podcast is up, this one being number 29. It’s a one-man show this week, but you get to hear about joshua’s experience booting OpenBSD on an HP Chromebook 13.
BSDNow 145 has, along with a number of BSD links, an interview with Benno Rice. Rice works at Isilon/EMC which uses FreeBSD as their underlying storage platform.
I managed to not post about BSDNow (144: The PF Life) or garbage[28] (running with scissors for a while) last week, so I’m posting them now. That’s about 2 hours of BSD-ish conversation for you to listen to before this week’s episodes roll out.
It’s a Solaris episode – or to be exact, SunOS, on BSDTalk this week. Sun used to be BSD, up to version 4.1.4, and this is 17 minutes of talk about that version.
The garbage[27] podcast is out, and it’s covering OpenBSD, iOS, and Android topics, or at least that’s what I guess from the summary, cause I’m still at work.
BSDNow 143 has the usual roundup of news, plus a conversation with Matthew Macy about graphics improvements in FreeBSD.
We need DragonFly people interviewed, since DragonFly graphics improvements have been leading the pack, so to speak. I’m linking to the Jupiter Broadcasting site again since I don’t see this episode up on the BSDNow site yet.
The May issue of BSD Magazine is available now. There’s articles on ZFS, OpenBSD’s arc4random, an interview of Fernando Rodríguez of KeepCoding, and more. It’s a free PDF download if you didn’t know.
I haven’t listened to it because I’m at work, but garbage episode 26 is up, along with news of shirts and stickers.
I took some liberty with the spelling of the title, but it’s more accurate that way: The newest episode of BSDNow has a roundup of BSD news (some of which is pretty major) and an interview of Ike Levy, AKA ‘the guy at NYCBSDCon who showed me how useful pfSense could be’. Ike is speaking at a SemiBUG meeting on the 17th, too, which I’ll post about.
Episode 25 of Garbage went up yesterday and I forgot to check for it, so I’m linking to it now. Among other things, they mention Garbage merchandise. I’d pay for a shirt that pointed out most technology is garbage, to take it from the page.
This week’s BSDNow is the normal news roundup, plus an interview of Samy Al Bahra, about ‘backtrace‘.
I’m talking multiple times a week about BSD-themed podcasts/video/whatever these days. This is great! 5-6 years ago I was probably the only BSD source posting more than weekly.
BSDTalk 264 is out, and rather than an interview, it talks about a topic I’ve always enjoyed: Gopher, including ways to access Gopher resources even now.
The garbage podcast for this week is up, with discussion of OpenBSD and TRIM, and, well, a very wide range of topics, going by the summary.
This week’s BSDNow has some news catchup, since they’ve been on the road, and an interview with Brooks Davis of FreeBSD-on-Cheri. (CheriBSD?)
Garbage 23 is up cause it’s Friday and the content is initially summarized like this: “Brandon tries not to use Google for a week”. It’s apparently not that bad?
BSDNow 138, “Rushing into BSD”, has an interview with Benedict Reuschling, about the FreeBSD Foundation and Europe. There’s the usual news roundup, plus some notes about upcoming conventions.
Garbage number 22 is out, and talks about a number of things, including NVMe support in OpenBSD, programming in Go, and ‘reader-submitted issues’.
No interview this week on BSDNow because of travel, but there’s still an episode, complete with news and an unboxing video of a new BSD product. I’m linking to a slightly different location because it’s not up on the normal site as of this writing.
This week’s garbage podcast is out, with some OpenBSD topics and also some interesting direct experience of licensing violations.
The GNN in the title is George Neville-Neil, interviewed on BSDNow 136 about the TeachBSD project, plus the usual collection of recent BSD news. The show title comes from this station advert.