Another active week.
- RetroBSD recently moved to Git and GitHub, and is now buildable on Mac OS X.
- ALTQ is gone, at least for the OpenBSD version of pf.
- So I’ll bring up this point again: pf is fragmenting, and we should do something about it.
- The EdgeBSD presentation from FOSDEM 2014. (via)
- OpenBSD could use some VLAN testing.
- FreeBSDNews is running an swag contest.
- replaces
- Here’s a GSoC project that could help everyone. (thanks, Tomáš Bodžár)
- I’ve linked to some parts of this work, but Undeadly has a summary of the man page search improvements in OpenBSD.
- DiscoverBSD’s 2014/04/14 summary.
- LibreSSL started because of a leaky water heater.
- I always like threads about small hardware.
- FreeNAS hardware unboxing.
- Man, everybody likes pfSense.
- Lua in pkgsrc is getting versioned.
- Why would you do this?