Things that are done

There’s a number of things that all came together in the last 24 hours or so, which means: bullet points!

  • Jen Lentfer took my suggestion and ran with it.  He’s got an update to Sendmail 8.14.4 on the way too.
  • Binary pkgsrc-2009Q4 packages for DragonFly 2.4.x/i386 are all uploaded.
  • I finished a build of pkgsrc-2009Q4 for DragonFly 2.5.x/x86_64 – take a look and fix some of the broken items, if that interests you.
  • Weekend reading: check out this Trivium post as there’s some interesting historical items.  I may try that LackRack idea in a environment that doesn’t fit a normal rack well…
pkgsrc-2009Q4 binaries almost ready

A build of pkgsrc-2009Q4 for DragonFly 2.4/i386 is complete, and uploading now to  When the upload’s done, I’ll change the symlink so that pkg_radd downloads from the new collection.  Builds for x86_64 and 2.5 will be done soon.

There’s a couple packages – lang/mono, devel/boost-libs – that can be fixed with some updates; I’ll do so next chance I get.

Messylaneous for 2010/01/15

Still not used to typing “2010”.

Update for spamassassin

This has been bouncing around other news outlets, but I’ll mention it here: There’s an out of data SpamAssassin rule that can potentially mark mail as spam because of the 2010 date.  A mail to describes the various fixes.

The step of ‘sa-update && /etc/rc.d/spamd restart’ seems to have fixed it for me.  Incidentally, if you are using SpamAssassin, sa-update is a good tool to run on a regular basis.

Pkgsrc things to do

Proposed changes in pkgsrc:

Please follow each thread; they’re still in progress, so some of those removals may get canceled, or testing completed by the time this is read.