YONETANI Tomokazu wrote up a nice bit of explanation about compiling src and pkgsrc as non-root. He even explicitly names some useful variables to set.
Sascha Wildner has added pkgin to the base DragonFly system. It’s still present as a pkgsrc package, so it’s manageable and upgradeable with the normal pkg_* tools. See prior discussion here for the history.
There’s a new set of pkgsrc packages for DragonFly 2.5.x, i386, built using pkgsrc-2009Q3. Using pkg_radd will get them for you.
If you are often offline – voluntarily or involuntarily – there’s some changes coming to pkg_rolling-replace to deal with spotty online access.
The pkgsrc packages ghostscript6 and ghostscript-esp are probably going to be removed. Do `pkg_info | grep ghostscript` to see if this affects you.
Any readers involved with Python source? There’s two extant Python patches that Hasso Tepper put together for Python 2.5 and 2.4, languishing.
On a more positive note, an upstream fix for Perl was added promptly.
If you’re running an AMD64 DragonFly system, there’s new pkgsrc binaries for you on avalon.dragonflybsd.org. (See report) The pkg_radd utility will pick them up automatically, or you can use pkgin.
Update: Well, be patient if what you need isn’t there yet. The packages are still uploading to avalon…
The build for pkgsrc-2009Q3 packages performed on i386 DragonFly 2.5 is complete. There’s a build log. These packages are immediately available if you are on a 2.5/i386 system and use pkg_radd. If you want to upgrade, try pkgin or pkg_rolling-replace.
There are now official but experimental git repositories of pkgsrc available. One’s already available for DragonFly, but either should work.
Details of the new release are found in the announcement, including some biggies like KDE4. I’m building binaries for this release, for DragonFly i386/2.4, i386/2.5, and amd64/2.5. (Though the 2.5 binaries for amd64 should work on the amd64 2.4 release, too.)
The release announcement isn’t out, but the branch is there. I’m building it for DragonFly 2.4 and DragonFly 2.5 on i386 now, so we should have binary packages in about a week. I should have reports to go with it.
The next quarterly release of pkgsrc should be released by next week. Normally it is released 2 weeks after starting a freeze period, but this release was slightly delayed for some structural changes and for KDE4.
Greg Troxel, on the pkgsrc-users@netbsd.org mailing list, shared a script he wrote for automatic maintenance/update/cleanup of his installed pkgsrc packages, via pkg_rolling-replace.
A build of pkgsrc packages for DragonFly 2.4 and DragonFly 2.5 has been completed. The 2.5 packages are on avalon.dragonflybsd.org, and the 2.4 packages are about halfway there.
Installation of pkgsrc packages that were built on a different version of DragonFly than the one running during that installation will cause a warning. This can cause some confusion, since the tool appears to be warning that something may not work, but there’s no further output. I’ve seen users think it means the install failed, for instance.
There’s potential ways around this, but the best would be this pkg_install modification suggested by Jeremy C. Reed. Anyone who implements this gets my eternal gratitude.
The general plan for binary pkgsrc packages are to keep them around for the current release and the previous release. Some people say “delete now!“, some say “No, wait!“. What’s your opinion?
The freeze period for the 2009Q3 release of pkgsrc has started, and should result in a release around the end of September.
Binary packages built from 2009Q3, for DragonFly, should be available approximately a week after that.
Edit: See? Definitely started now.
The utilities pkg_radd and pkg_search now support a BINPKG_BASE variable. This variable can point to alternate binary download sites, in case the defaults aren’t working well for you.
There’s now a Git repo of pkgsrc. This is just a copy from cvs every 15 minutes, so it won’t allow changes back to pkgsrc, but it’s much faster to download via git than it is via cvs.
Well, technically, they are 2.3.1+ packages, but they will work fine on 2.4 and can be installed via pkg_radd.