Lazy Reading for 2024/11/24

Links are from a wide range of sources this week; it’s often a good idea to follow the (via) tags to find even more.

This week’s music: Thank You, Dream Girl.  (via)

Lazy Reading for 2024/11/03

I don’t have a good link for the SDF item; their mailing list doesn’t appear to have a public archive, or I haven’t found it.  SSH will get you there faster anyway.

Lazy Reading for 2024/10/06

No theme this week.

Lazy Reading for 2022/05/08

I have a nice weird mix going on today.

Your unrelated video of the week: Frank & Beans – Hugo [official video].  I’ve linked to other shardcore stuff before, and thought I had previously linked to this video’s predecessor, but I can’t find it. It’s very good though also very Uncanny Valley.  (also via)

Lazy Reading for 2022/05/01



Lazy Reading for 2021/01/03

End of year reviews are showing up; probably more next week.

Your unrelated video of the week: Throat Notes, from the same person who did Double King.

Lazy Reading for 2020/12/20

This week’s links are all fun, but you had better have some time to read.

Your unrelated music of the week: Shimmer, Then Disappear.

Lazy Reading for 2020/10/18

Some esoteric gems this week.

Lazy Reading for 2020/05/24

It’s rare, but I was able to collect most of these links more than 24 hours before you are reading them.

Lazy Reading for 2020/03/29

Accidental open source ideas or maybe history this week.  That might be too easy a category to fit into.

Lazy Reading for 2020/03/15

Again, dumping out all the links I can in case you are stuck at home.

Your unrelated music link of the week: Hannibal Rex – The One Hundred & Forty Faces Of?.?.?.  Has the same drive as early Mix Master Mike, to my ear.  (via)

Lazy Reading for 2020/03/08

I had so many tabs open they weren’t all showing, so you get a straight dump.

Lazy Reading for 2020/03/01

Tab-clearing links!

Your unrelated music link of the week: KUTMAH – New Appliance.  (via)

Lazy Reading for 2020/02/16

Partial overflow this week, which means probably even more next week.  We all benefit!

Lazy Reading for 2019/01/26

I literally just smooshed all my open tabs that weren’t bakingrelated into this post.

Your unrelated video of the week: Igorrr – Very Noise.  Reminds me of early  Garry’s Mod videos.   (via)


Lazy Reading for 2020/01/05

I very nearly scheduled this to January 01, 2019.  And then fixed it for the right year but not the day, so you may have seen an early draft of this.  Oops; it’s here now.

Your unrelated comics link of the week: Cankor.  (click on preview button)  I saw Cankor pages years ago; it’s disturbing in a good way.

Lazy Reading for 2019/12/22

Accidental theme this week: roguelikes!  Maybe with me that’s not so accidental.

Lazy Reading for 2019/11/03

I still feel bad about missing a week, even though that’s a self-imposed requirement.  In penance, here’s a linkdump.

Lazy Reading for 2019/08/18

Again, way behind cause of being online only irregularly over the last week.   There’s still plenty to look at – August is made for Lazy Reading.

Lazy Reading for 2019/08/11

I have some neat history items mixed in this week.

Your unrelated music of the week: Blarf: Cease and Desist.  (via)