Unnoted changes, one place

Instead of posting about updates, here’s a feature that you will hopefully never notice: ‘make upgrade’, part of the upgrade process in DragonFly, will now go look for 3rd party software built to depend on deprecated DragonFly system libraries, before removing those libraries.  (details)  If you’ve had a program stop running because something else was upgraded – and I’m sure you have, cause “dll hell” is an actual phrase – you’ll be thankful for this.

jails and loopback IPs

Jails on DragonFly can now route to loopback addresses (i.e.  Because of this, they can work like shared IPs and the jail can connect to the host.

I think this means that you no longer have to bind jail services to specific IPs as you did previously.  Don’t quote me on that; I’ve run few jails in my life.

Update: I should have linked this too: the sysctl jail.defaults.allow_listen_override that makes it easier in the host system too.

Lazy Reading for 2020/03/15

Again, dumping out all the links I can in case you are stuck at home.

Your unrelated music link of the week: Hannibal Rex – The One Hundred & Forty Faces Of?.?.?.  Has the same drive as early Mix Master Mike, to my ear.  (via)

Lazy Reading for 2019/12/29

There’s several accidental themes fighting it out this week.

Your unrelated music link of the week: Cosey Fanni Tutti ?– Tutti.  Found via Ted Gioia’s Best 100 Albums of 2019, which was discovered via Conversations with Tyler.  There, now you definitely have enough to listen to until 2020.