Lazy Reading for 2016/03/27

This is actually overflow completely from previous weeks.  I am not sure how I am ending up so far ahead on these but not the Saturday BSD items.  As long as it shows up on the expected day, I suppose it works out.

Your kinda-unrelated item for the week: Butterfly Stomp, Michael W. Lucas’s free short story.  He writes fiction when he’s not writing BSD books.



Default shells and library changes

I see this bite people irregularly over the years: if your default shell on login can’t run, what do you do?  I’ve seen it happen because of a missing /usr/lib, and it can happen with out-of-date library references, too.   There’s several different ways to deal with it:

That last one may be useful if your dports setup gets mangled, somehow – though ‘pkg upgrade’ has always worked for me.

In Other BSDs for 2015/11/21

Another week where there’s so much to link to, it overflows into next week.

Lazy Reading for 2015/08/23

This is the week for entertainment, not deep thought.


Building only one compiler

DragonFly builds two compilers by default.  If you weren’t interesting in building both, there were switches to build only the default, like NO_GCC47.  This changed with every compiler update.

With the switch to GCC 5, the new switch is “NO_ALTCOMPILER”.  That will last through compiler changes.  I’m mentioning this now because sooner or later, you’ll want to gain back some time on a buildworld.

Periodic reports on DragonFly

I have had trouble with my daily/weekly periodic reports never making it to my GMail account.  Sascha Wildner pointed out to me that periodic.conf has its own answer already:


… and newsyslog is already set to take care of them.  There’s more in the periodic.conf man page.


In Other BSDs for 2015/03/28

It’s been a quiet week in BSD-land, at least in terms of me finding links.