Some tips on creating/booting a read-only DragonFly system.
Interesting to see Haiku package management, but also to spy a summary of the drama around the major changes. (via)
Another writeup on running your own server with Nextcloud. (and OpenBSD) (via)
Tiling and XFCE. (and OpenBSD)
Neat name, neat mechanical computer.
ChiBUG’s next meeting is the 21st; RSVP if you’re going.
Interpreted through a related commit: DragonFly might have a paravirtual SCSI driver soon?
DiscoBSD, which answers “what happened to RetroBSD?”
NYCBUG has a new venue and a May speaker. March and April are open if you want to give a talk.
A link here spawned a TUHS post which led to interesting notes on Wumpus and Moonlander, setuid exists because of mastermind, very early multiplayer games, and how Plan 9’s 9P is everywhere.
A short explainer on dsynth(1) options.
Monochrome terminal setup for an E-ink monitor. I love this idea. (via)
This is the first time I’ve seen an article about turning features off. In this case, stereo sound on BSD.
JSON is really becoming a common format.
Adventure(6) the original and Colossal Cave the remake 50 years later.
I like release notes, and here they are for helloSystem 0.8.0.
I never knew until now why a Centronics port was a Centronics port.