Orangepixel indie games now with preliminary support via IndieRunner.
Shift Happens – if you like anything I link to on keyboards, you’ll like this. (via)
DragonFly 6.4 is out – the release page has details or you can look at the tag summary.
A happy thought for the new year: you may not have to rely on the Bernoulli Effect to retrieve data for the entire year!
The Best Comics of 2022. Comics Journal, so not the mainstream.
OpenBSD Mastery: Filesystems is available but not directly from Amazon cause authors are apparently unimportant to Amazon’s money machine.
A good checklist for build-your-own-desktop-env. (via)
BSDCan 2023 has a call for talks out.
All About RSS. (via)
Merry Christmas! Here is a present. I haven’t been posting while I fiddle with layouts, or just get too busy from holiday work, but here’s a pile of links, also known as “all my open tabs so that I can now close them”.
- In praise of Plan 9.
- X11 Conservancy Project.
- A brief history of murder in Ultima Online. (via)
- A2osX. “Multi Tasking OS for Apple IIe //c IIgs”.
- An objective criteria for deprecating community platforms,
- Mailing List Freebies. Worth it worth it. Also recent book plans.
- GoToSocial on OpenBSD, a Fediverse adventure.
- The Art Teacher from Drohobycz. New Brothers Quay!
- The Foundation and the FreeBSD Desktop.
- Pattern Collider. (via)
- Weekend Links 650, the source for the previous link, relinked cause of the note on Tom Phillips’ death. Phillips is responsible for A Humument, one of the more dense and complex books I’ve ever read. “Read” isn’t the correct term.
- Authentication gateway with SSH on OpenBSD.
- FreeBSD vs. Linux – Where and How To Run OpenZFS.
- The Palmpilot returns, this time in your browser.
- Dwarf Fortress’ Steam version immediately punched me in the gut. Note to self: buy.
- Best Books of 2022.
- Still Going: A zine on using old technology. (via)
- New Desktop Synth, Prismatic Spray, Offers Knobby Control Of Bytebeat Synthesis. Linked for the app name, which I hope you recognize. (via)
- Magic Cap, from the Magic Link to the DataRover and the stuff in-between.
- XScreenSaver 6.06 out now. Newest screen hack is related to a pipes game I now can’t find the link for.
- What we can learn from vintage computing.
- How to buy a social network, with Tumblr CEO Matt Mullenweg.
- Recently updated blogs on
- Vintage-Style Map of the Mandelbrot Set.
- An RSS feed of RSS feeds.
- Blogroll. Curated.
- Open source is democratizing video game development.
- Speech-to-text with Whisper: How I Use It & Why.
- Sierpi?ski Triangle Interpreted as Musical Notes.
- The Best Buried Treasures Of 2022.
- As (Not) Seen In The Art of Darkness.
- Haiku R1/beta4 has been released. (via)
- 9th International Workshop on Plan 9. Important because it’s all BSD licensed now. (via)
Edited later to add: Mörk Borg? Mörk Borg! Mörk Borg!
While I slowly work on the layout, here’s something that can’t wait: ChiBUG meets tomorrow at the usual place, 6 PM. Go, if you are anywhere near Chicago.