This week’s BSD Now starts off talking about recently-deceased and somewhat legendary Bill Jolitz. He is to me the source of the term “flat food person“.
RSVP if you are near Chicago and can go.
If you want to run DragonFly as a bhyve guest using UEFI, here’s the recipe.
Old-school week, at least more than normal.
- Principia Apocrypha: Principles of Old School RPGs.
- Now that computers have more than 4MB of memory, can we get seconds on the taskbar?
- (via)
- turns 20.
- MNT Reform, an ARM laptop with open hardware. (via)
- Those HTML Attributes You Never Use. (via)
- Minskytron Refurbished.
- Inside the Apple-1’s shift-register memory. Photos!
- “Let’s go find out!“
- Dreamhold, an introduction to interactive fiction. (via)
- The Early History of Smalltalk (1993). The corporate shell of Xerox, where Smalltalk and PARC came from, is just a few miles from me. (via)
A bunch of releases this week.
- OpenBGPD 7.3 released.
- tcsh vi mode cursor shapes.
- sometimes the knote comes early.
- The Zephyrus G14 is not a MacBook Pro 14, and Sundry Observations and Insights…
- two and a half bad bits.
- OpenBSD Gaming Updates Q2 2022.
- Operating systems battle: OpenBSD vs NixOS.
- Valuable News – 2022/04/19.
- MidnightBSD 2.1.7 RELEASE. (via)
- FreeBSD 13.1-RC4 is out.
- OpenBSD 7.1 released.
- OpenBSD Webzine #9 is out.
- Interacting with FreeBSD: Fundamentals of the FreeBSD Shell. FreeBSD 14 is switching default root shell, apparently.
It’s almost all ZFS tidbits this week for BSD Now.
I’m on at SEMIBUG’s meeting right now.
I hope to have a recording to post later. Nnnnope! A lesson for you and me both; test recording before an actual event starts.
I’m talking about DragonFly at SEMIBUG’s online meeting (using Jitsi) tomorrow.
UPDATE: is the Jitsi link. It’ll be 7 PM Eastern time.
The music edge cases story is great.
- Revisiting the INMOS Transputer. (via)
- Replicate Filesystem with Rsync.
- Spammers in the Public Cloud, Protected by SPF.
- Horrible edge cases to consider when dealing with music. (via)
- Tonight we’re gonna log on like it’s 1979 (Telenet, Dialcom and The Source).
- Reverse-engineering a mysterious Univac computer board. Great photos.
- Six One Sentence Monsters and Six More One Sentence Monsters.
- A Web Around the World, Part 7: Computers On the Wire. I may have missed some recent parts of this.
- Puzzle dossiers and boxes, 2022.
- Old School Essentials, classic D&D revisited. (via)
- Tetrageddon. (via)
- Library of Short Stories. (also via)
- Storytelling. Early sequential art.
Note the upcoming presentations…
- Nixers #138.
- Writing a device driver for Unix V6. (via)
- ChiBUG’s meeting April 29th in person. RSVP if you are coming.
- SEMIBUG’s meeting April 19th online, and I’m the guest speaker.
- Valuable News – 2022/04/11.
- Penguicon 2022 Schedule and Books. Michael W. Lucas isn’t presenting on BSD but he’ll have some BSD-related books. Please buy Savaged by systemd from him. I just saw it in audiobook form through Google search and no I will not click on it.
- OpenSSH 9.0 released.
- switch to current or wait for 7.1? Really, a Minecraft question.
- Fundraising Update Q1 2022.
- FreeBSD 13.1 on ThinkPad W520.
- Q1 2022 Software Development Projects Update.
- Improving Replication Security With OpenZFS Delegation.
- OpenBSD 7.0 video overview.
This week’s BSD Now, which I remembered to link to on time, is about Unix tools as a concept.
A historical focus this week but then again that’s not uncommon.
- Great Moments in Taxonomy. Several links to follow.
- Team Tsathogga / City of Spires setting primer, for Severed Fane.
- Dungeons and Desktops, a history of computer RPGs. (via)
- The Elusive Shift, early D&D from wargaming to roleplay. (also via)
- Bent? is an alive, unstable Japanese noise box. (via)
- Infinite Mac, an instant-booting Quadra in your browser. I got to crash playing Marathon so that is accurate.
- Spacewar! is 60 Today!
- Why the fascination with retrocomputing? (via)
- The Tao of Acme. (via)
- Retro Lite CM4: a Compute Module 4 gaming console. (via)
- Webinar – Ethernet’s Emergence from Xerox PARC: 1975-1980. These are not historians, but the actual people who created and implemented it. (via)
Last news item is the saddest.
- Does swap still matter? I linked to an earlier iteration of the thread but there’s more.
- System with a GNU userland and a BSD kernel.
- FreeBSD 13.1-RC2 is out.
- Making my pkg.conf configuration version independent.
- Valuable News – 2022/04/04.
- helloSystem 13.1-RC1.
- Multiprocess support for LLDB.
- Building Your Own FreeBSD-based NAS. Part 1 of 4.
- Writing a NetBSD kernel module. (via)
- TwinCAT/BSD Hypervisor. (via)
- Bill Jolitz has passed away. (via)
448: Controlling Resource Limits and 449: Reproducible clean $HOME are both available, because I’m a slacker and didn’t link when they were published.
I thought I was going to be short this week, and then started cleaning out old open browser tabs…
- The Framework is the most exciting laptop I’ve ever used.
- Note taking in Emacs with howm.
- Eponymous Laws Part I: Laws of the Internet. (via)
- TORI Nixie Calculator. Every maker buzzword in a single product.
- Preserving more of the history of logic programming (especially source code). (via)
- Related:
- Stevie Wonder and His Dream Machines. Related to all the synth links I post. (via)
- The Art of the For… Next Loop. (via)
- TZDB and some challenges of long data. (via)
- In the Hall of the Third Blue Wizard – KickStarter Launch.
- Wi-Fi Memories.
- Lumon.
- Majestic Fantasy, old school D&D.
- Swords and Wizardry, same.
- WebAssembly in my Browser Desktop Environment. (via)
- cool-retro-term: A good looking terminal emulator which mimics the old cathode display. (via)
Mini-ZFS theme this week.
- OpenBSD Webzine #8.
- Heap Overflow in OpenBSD’s slaacd via Router Advertisement. (via several places)
- pkgsrc-2022Q1 is out.
- Nixxers is back!
- Need Help installing favorite game Trek73. Followup.
- Does swap still matter? A long thread.
- Toolchains adventures – Q1 2022.
- ZFS Compatibility.
- Should I Upgrade to OpenZFS 2.1?
- Tuning Recordsize in OpenZFS.
- Meet my two heroes from Unix world: Marshal Kirk and Eric Allman! (via)
- FreeBSD/EC2: What I’ve been up to.
- Valuable News – 2022/03/21 and 2022/03/28.
- Keep your OpenBSD system cool with obsdfreqd.
- Add support for XBox One gamecontroller.
- HardenedBSD March 2022 Status Report.
- paprok gets CDE running on NetBSD. Chunky chunky.
Mini-theme: 4-part writeups.
- Comas Channel. Food manufacturing; somewhat hypnotic. (via)
- Yocto boot2qt for the Seeed reTerminal (Qt 6). (via)
- Electronic music pioneer Wendy Carlos has a website. (indirectly via)
- A Web Around the World, Part 6: Routing Calls.
- Recent narrative games: winter 2021 edition.
- [Review] Rackham Vale (and the Four Eras of OSR Publishing). Linked for the indie RPG publishing history, which has mostly passed me by.
- 22 years of Emacs. (via)
- SGI320/540 Visual Workstations. An extremely specific site. (via)
- Using a Minitel 1B as a serial terminal. (via)
- The Cube Rule of Food Identification. (via)
- Four Tiny Essays On SF/F. (via)
- Hard Drive History.
- Mouse Museum. (via)
Note the new-to-me book news in there.
- The NetBSD Foundation is a mentoring organization at Google Summer of Code 2022.
- FreeBSD 13.1 beta2 is out.
- Controlling Resource Limits with rctl in FreeBSD.
- OpenBSD/arm64 on Apple M1 systems.
- Testing parallel forwarding.
- NetBSD is in Google Summer of Code 2022.
- LibreSSL 3.5.1 development branch as well as 3.4.3 (stable) and 3.3.6 released.
gains 11ac 80MHz channel support.- Yet Another New Book: “Letters to ed(1)”. From the FreeBSD Journal Letters Column.
- New Sponsorships Open, and More Crowdfunding. For OpenBSD Mastery: Filesystems. There’s some interesting notes on Kickstarter in there too.
- EuroBSDCon 2022 CFP is open.
- an open source git server written in Elixir that works on OpenBSD. (via)
- NetBSD Full system backups with FFS snapshots, ZFS and dump(8). (via)
Episode 447, “Path to BSD” is up now, as is 446, “Debugging ioctl problems“. 446 was up last week but I missed my change to link to it. Check the Tadpole link if you have not; those are a weird chunk of history.
It’s apparently possible to get a panic by yanking a HAMMER2 disk out of your system, which is only likely when using a USB thumb drive, formatting it to HAMMER2, and not bothering to unmount it. Anyway, that poorly-described-by-me problem is fixed.