Lazy Reading for 2022/02/13

Old hardware is the mini-theme.

In Other BSDs for 2022/02/12

No mini-theme.

Lazy Reading for 2022/02/06

Mini-theme: music.


In Other BSDs for 2022/02/05

Note the first three items are events with deadlines happening now.


Lazy Reading for 2022/01/30

No theme; nicely eclectic.

Your unrelated video of the week: Tom Baker saying “bread”.  (via)

In Other BSDs for 2021/01/29

Watch that Kernighan video; he is what a historian would call a primary source.

Lazy Reading for 2022/01/23

Mini-theme: computer error.

Your unrelated personal frustration of the week: Legacy G Suite will no longer be free.   I need to figure out a self hosting solution.

In Other BSDs for 2022/01/22

The UNIX compliance link is worth reading all the way through; it is a chunk of history I did not know at all.