ChiBUG is meeting tonight at 6PM at Giordano’s. Go if you are near Chicago.
The amdgpu driver, equivalent to Linux 4.19, has been committed along with supporting changes in ttm. Credit goes to Sergey Zigachev, Francois Tigeot, and Matthew Dillon for the work. The module is now built by default in bleeding edge DragonFly. Note the amdgpu commit message lists some options that need to be set.
I need a D&D tag.
- The World of Outdoor Survival. A reconstruction of the original D&D environment. (via)
- Speaking of the original D&D… (via)
- How X Window Managers Work, And How To Write One (Part I). (via)
- Anatomy of a Terminal Emulator. (via)
- ClockWork DevTerm. For portable Dwarf Fortress. (via)
- PowerPC notebook Prototypes Updates and next Talks – October 2021. (via)
- Cosmic Conquest (1982) – A resurrection of a realtime strategy game written in Forth. (via)
- How brutalist design is taking over the internet. (via)
- Better Perl: Four list processing best practices with map, grep, and more. (via)
- I am ambivalent about this joke/keyboard. (via)
- TinkerDifferent. (via)
I’ve been on the road but had travel time just sitting there, so I was able to construct this a bit more calmly for once.
- ChiBUG is meeting in-person this Tuesday in the usual place.
- xterm(1) mouse support disabled by default in OpenBSD.
- How to connect and use Bluetooth headphones on FreeBSD. (via)
- Monitoring FreeBSD jails from the host.
- Valuable News – 2021/11/01.
- Looking Towards the Future: FreeBSD on the RISC-V Architecture.
- HardenedBSD October 2021 Status Report.
- Full WireGuard setup with OpenBSD.
- OPNsense® 21.7.4 released.
- Port of the week: foliate.
- Amnesia: The Dark Descent, amd64 package now available on OpenBSD -current.
- Catchup 2021-11-03 on Undeadly.
I was interviewed by email a short while ago by Alexandre. He’s collecting them from other people, so start with me and keep reading with Vermaden.
I sure hope you don’t disagree with this week’s BSD Now episode title. Among other things, it talks about pot.
I saved this but forgot to post it just before the 6.0.1 release: DragonFly now has OpenSSH 8.8p1. The OpenSSH release notes mention that SHA-1 RSA keys signatures (thanks, Ross Richardson for the correction) will no longer work, along with other updates. You are hopefully already using something else.
xdisk is now being built by default, and libdmsg is able to encrypt/decrypt with a placeholder scheme.
Yes, this means you can mount remote Hammer2 disks as a block device. Read the man pages and remember this is experimental.
Spooky Reading!
- Empowering People … and Their Things.
- Stillfleet, a tabletop game with space hulks. Not Space Hulk, though. The character generator is fun. (via)
- The slab and the permacomputer.
- We were the unpaid janitors of a bloated tech monopoly.
- Casio IRC. (via)
- Vintage computer pictures. (also via)
- You use more open source software than you think.
- To Boldly Go Where No Internet Protocol Has Gone Before. Of course Vint Cerf dresses that well, and here’s the poster he’s holding. (via)
- Repetition, In Four Parts. Linked cause of the regex explanation.
- The First Modern Drum Machine. (via)
- Juncture, for visual essays. Created originally to talk about plants, of all things. (via)
- 50 Watts, and 50 Watt Books. (via)
- The ENIAC Monte Carlo program from 1947 on a poster. The first stored instruction program ever. (via)
- 50 Years of Text Games: 2011: Nested.
- Space probe software bug. 17 years to Y2038.
- Skip songs by looking.
Your unrelated music of the week: OV / ER / LO / AD from the Kleptones. The last two are linked but not yet released, so if they don’t work yet, come back in a week.
I finally cleared out most of my BSD RSS. Now everyone has to post more stuff and refill!
- The OpenSSH server has limits on what user authentication you can use.
- V7 Unix had no stack size limit, and when Unix acquired one. 4BSD like everything else.
- OpenBSD hardware recommendations.
- OpenBSD on a Framework computer.
- SOLVED: FreeBSD nfsv4 client/server protocol prob err=10026.
- SOLVED: linker_load_file: /boot/modules/openzfs.ko – unsupported file type.
- Advanced ZFS Snapshots.
- LLDB serial port communication support.
- OpenBSD Webzine issue 3.
- My FreeBSD laptop… without a GUI!? A good idea; try it!
- Benchmarking compilation time with ccache/mfs on OpenBSD.
- Reuse of OpenBSD packages for trying runtime.
- Measuring power efficiency of a CPU frequency scheduler on OpenBSD.
- Valuable News – 2021/10/25.
- FreeBSD 12.3 BETA is out.
- Catchup 2021-10-08 for OpenBSD Journal.
- Realtek wireless firmwares imported!
- September 30th, 2021 syspatches: some assembly might be required.
- Fall 2021 Advocacy Update.
- OpenBSD on the HiFive Unmatched. (via)
- Advanced Documentation Retrieval on FreeBSD. Necessary skills, for sure. (via)
- Best BSD to try out GNUSTEP + Windowmaker?
This week’s BSD Now talks about OpenBSD and OpenZFS – but not at the same time; don’t misread this.
You can now create FAT volumes on DragonFly. Not exactly high-tech, but a filesystem that most anything can read and write.
All over the place this week.
- Arthur-PC – a HD64180 based computer. Hardcore.
- ADOBE SUCKS (SCROTUM). Adobe product alternatives. Bookmark it cause you won’t remember the URL and searching for the phrase… Well, guess. (via)
- 8BIT, a documentary. (via)
- Useful Unknown Websites, Reddit, and Useful Unknown Websites, MetaFilter. (partially via)
- SheepFilms. (via)
- L0phtCrack. A name from the past. (via)
- The reports of Perl’s death have been greatly exaggerated. (via)
- Stephen Bourne: Early days of Unix and design of sh. (via)
- Tune Tracker Command Center. Haiku under the hood. (via)
- Hypertext tools from the 80s. Good followup links at the end too. (via)
- 50 Years of Text Games: 2010: Digital: A Love Story.
- “unexpected hunter activity“
- What we can learn from “_why”, the long lost open source developer.
- ScummVM is 20, and I don’t even know all the games it supports. (via)
Live in-person meetings are happening, slowly, finally.
- Register Today for the November 2021 FreeBSD Vendor Summit.
- How BSD Authentication Works. (via)
- Valuable News – 2021/10/19.
- Other FreeBSD Version in ZFS Boot Environment.
- Explaining top(1) on FreeBSD.
- Manipulating a Pool from the Rescue System.
- Building Your FreeBSD Developer Workstation Setup. Software and hardware.
- FreeBSD switches the default root shell from csh to sh. Muscle-memory issues may get you. (via)
- Open Source Summit 2021 Conference Recap. Live people?!
- FreeBSD Foundation October 2021 Fundraising Update.
- The State of Gaming on OpenBSD in 2022. Stick with it.
- One step closer to my new FreeBSD tower.
- GhostBSD 21.10.16 ISO is now available.
- Experimenting with a new OpenBSD development lab.
- Story of making the OpenBSD Webzine. (There’s 2 issues so far)
This has been a good week for BSD releases, hasn’t it? This week’s BSDNow gets into RISC-V, too.
SEMIBUG’s monthly meeting is online, and it’s tomorrow the 19th, at 1900 hours (-0400, Eastern) via Jitsi. It’s going to be about “the advantages of Emacs”, given by a group member. Go, see, even if it’s just to shake your fist at the screen and mumble “viiiiiiiiiiii”.
Mini-theme: old hardware or new terminals, you pick.
- Tim Van Damme Uses This. More detail on keyboard setup than I expected.
- The 100 MHz 6502. (via)
- Mac SE/30 odyssey. (via)
- XScreenSaver 6.02 out now.
- Writing a simple arcade game in Lisp. (via)
- Warp Terminal Emulator Review. Linked mostly to show how the shell/terminal is still evolving. (via)
- The Return of the Unix Shell. Related to previous idea. (via)
- The Insane Innovation of TI Calculator Hobbyists. (via)
- Vim Anti-Patterns That Cause Beginners to :Quit. (via)
- Not so Common Desktop Environment (NsCDE) 1.3 released. Mostly linked for the name. (via)
- 50 Years of Text Games: 2008: Violet and 2009: Fallen London.
Somewhat short this week, but there’s several releases.
- Automatic Let’s Encrypt certificates in Apache with mod_md.
- FreeBSD audio from a perspective of a happy user. (via)
- FreeBSD Developer Workstation Setup.
- NetBSD, CTWM, and Spleen.
- MATE 1.26.0 upgrade ready. (GhostBSD)
- Valuable News – 2021/10/11.
- OPNsense Business Edition 21.10 released.
- OpenBSD 7.0 released.
This week’s BSD Now is 50% OpenBSD, 50% FreeBSD, plus a whole lot of Beastie Bits.
SLUUG, which has the best acronym, meets tonight at 6ish PM Central time on Zoom.