Technical reading is the accidental theme.
- Refurb Weekend: Canon Cat. This is a far more capable machine than I ever knew about.
- Terminal Text Effects. Much showier than I expected. (via)
- Losing Sight of Creators. Ad-blockers aren’t the answer; finding ways to support creators without ads is.
- City in a Bottle. Via multiple places.
- Replacing my OPNsense gateway hardware by a Protectli appliance.
- Classic Computer Brochures. (via)
- Clip art. A higher quality collection than you’d expect. (also via)
- A UNIX Primer. (via)
- Mike Karel’s final presentation.
- Building SimCity: How to Put the World in a Machine. About simulation in general, not just the one game series. (via)
- Running XVNC through inetd. Might be useful to you.
- Multiple vi reference charts. (via multiple posts)
The Kickstarter for Michael W. Lucas’s Run Your Own Mail Server book is ending later today. It’s been so successful that he’s been adding copies of his other books as rewards for every backer – which means if you buy this book at any tier, you get (at last count) 7 more books. It’s a good deal, but you have only this afternoon to get it.