New-SB, clones

The USB system from FreeBSD-5 has been brought in wholesale. Matt Dillon reports his camera, hard drive, mouse, and memory key all working and un/repluggable.

Also, the network interface cloning API from FreeBSD-5 has been brought in, from work by Max Laier and David Rhodus.

Promises, promises

David Rhodus added the pst driver to the GENERIC kernel, so if you are trying to install to a machine using a Promise card as disk controller (for RAID, I assume), it oughta work.


Joerg Sonnenberger has a patch that takes NEWCARD (PCMICA card support) from FreeBSD 5 with the most recent hardware support. You’ll need his other PCI compat and bridge (sorry, can’t find a link) patches.

NVIDIA, RCNG, mailarchives

Not much happening right now. A few people have noticed that the binary NVIDIA driver doesn’t seem to work; big surprise there, with the system being in rapid change. Otherwise, puttering with the new RCNG services layout continues. In local news, I have the DragonFly mail archive mostly working now, including the kernel list.

Even more RCNG goodness

Matt Dillon has enhanced the varsym/RCNG system to support the following “states” for various services:

runningThe service is running
failedA start or stop operation failed
disabledThe service is disabled
irrelevantThe server is not needed
configuredThe non-process service has been configured
stoppedThe service has been stopped

He also posted the following:

“Call for volunteers! There are many rc.d/ scripts which do not support ‘stop’. Things like sshd and rwho, for example. It would be great if interested parties could start adding ‘stop’ functionality to the more common services. Submit patch sets to”


From Murray Stokely by way of Matt Dillon; a request for papers about BSD system use to present this summer in Boston:

UseBSD will be a one-day special interest group session hosted as part of the 2004 USENIX Annual Technical Conference in Boston (June 27 – July 2, 2004). The focus of UseBSD, as the name implies, will be on showcasing ways in which creative members of the BSD community are making use of BSD-on the desktop, in embedded applications, in corporate data centers, in computational clusters, in business environments, and more!”

RCNG revs up

Matt Dillon’s updated RCNG in a big way. You can now check the status of, or start, stop, etc. different system services using appropriate single commands like rcstart, rcstop, rcrestart, and so on. varsym -sa will list service status.

The old way had you looking for the appropriate file in /etc/rc.d and issing commands for it, and having to poke throught ps -ax or /var/run/ to see what’s going.

To get this running, do make upgrade_etc in /usr/src/etc, or a regular build/installworld. Also, install /usr/src/sbin/rcrun, and reboot.